Experience Texas Hospitality: Rent a Charming Plot for Memorable Outdoor Retreats!

Experience Texas Hospitality: Rent a Charming Plot for Memorable Outdoor Retreats!
Experience Texas Hospitality: Rent a Charming Plot for Memorable Outdoor Retreats!
Cancelación: 20 Dias
Alojamiento: 1
Baños: 1
Mascotas: Permitido
Check-in: 08:00
Check-out: 18:00

Situated in the vibrant city of San Antonio, this spacious plot is perfect for temporary camping, dog training sessions, and social gatherings.

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the area, visit the historic Alamo, and enjoy the vibrant River Walk.

Rent this parcel for $75 USD per day and discover the casual elegance of outdoor living in Texas.




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