Escape to Nature's Wonderland: Rent a Spectacular Plot for Unforgettable Adventures in New York!

Escape to Nature's Wonderland: Rent a Spectacular Plot for Unforgettable Adventures in New York!
Escape to Nature's Wonderland: Rent a Spectacular Plot for Unforgettable Adventures in New York!
Cancelación: 30 Dias
M2.: 7.800
Alojamiento: 2
Baños: 6
Mascotas: Permitido
Check-in: 08:00
Check-out: 16:00

Located in the breathtaking Adirondack Mountains, this plot is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts.

Perfect for temporary camping, scheduled excursions, and social gatherings, you’ll have access to pristine lakes and endless hiking trails.

Rent this parcel for $70 USD per day and immerse yourself in the casual elegance of one of New York’s most stunning natural landscapes.




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